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How to Respond to an Uber Car Accident

How to Respond to an Uber Car Accident

How to Respond to an Uber Car Accident

After an Uber car accident, there are a few steps that you should take to protect your legal rights. These include taking pictures of the scene, obtaining insurance information and seeking medical attention. It is particularly important for drivers and passengers because if an injury goes untreated, it may be difficult to link the accident with the injury.

Seek Medical Attention

Regardless of whether or not you feel any pain immediately after the crash, it’s important to see a doctor for an evaluation. Many injuries do not appear until after the accident; by then, they may be more severe than you initially believed. It’s also wise to take photos of the scene, including your Uber driver’s car, registration plates, and any environmental damage, like skid marks on the road. Gather the names, addresses, and statements of any witnesses.

Once you’ve received medical attention, reporting the accident to Uber is important. You can do this through their app or on the website. Be sure to answer their questions thoroughly and truthfully, but avoid saying anything that could be used against you later in court. For example, it is generally best not to agree to a recorded statement with the other driver’s insurance company until you have discussed it with an experienced Austin Uber accident lawyer.

Collect Evidence

When a collision occurs, you should do your best to collect evidence before it’s too late. It can include photographs of the scene, the Uber driver’s insurance information and a screenshot from the app with basic ride details. If possible, you should also speak with eyewitnesses. Their testimony can make or break an Uber accident claim. You should always contact Uber as soon as possible to report the collision since they have a team dedicated solely to handling accident reports and investigations. They will want you to provide them with a detailed account of the incident and any other pertinent information that could help determine fault. If you speak with Uber’s representatives, remember that anything you say can be used against you later. Do not agree to a recorded statement until you’ve consulted with a car accident attorney, Austin, TX, who can provide sound legal advice. It is especially important if you’re injured or in shock.

Call the Police

Whether you are an Uber driver or passenger, you should always call the police after a crash. The police must investigate the accident to generate a formal report detailing what happened, the parties involved, and any injuries sustained. It is also important to speak with the officers and provide them with all your information about the accident. Be sure to answer all their questions calmly and accurately and avoid making statements that admit fault or deny injury. Take pictures at the scene if you can, such as skid marks, the vehicles’ interiors and exteriors, any signs indicating the car was an Uber, your injuries, and more. Also, get contact information from witnesses who saw the crash. It will be critical in helping you build your Uber accident claim. Also, note if the Uber driver was in the middle of a pickup or drop-off or if they were idling.

File an Accident Report

In the aftermath of any car accident, you should always call the police to make a report. It is especially important in accidents involving Uber drivers because the driver may be liable for your losses. When the police arrive, please give them a full statement about what happened. However, do not admit fault at this time. Anything you say to the police could be used against you later in court. Record the accident scene on camera and with all the vehicles involved. You should also get the contact information of any eyewitnesses. And take a screenshot of your ride in the Uber app to prove you were on an active trip during the crash. Lastly, see a doctor for any injuries you have suffered. Doing so will help establish a link between your injuries and the Uber accident.